27 May 2010

Historical events which are influencing most of the western world in the present

It could be argued that most people do not care about history. Many are only focused on materialistic concerns and do not think much about tomorrow. They only show interest in their individual lives and their professional careers, if they have careers, easily neglect the past and the welfare of the community in which they live. They do not seem to care about the past history of their families, their nations and countries. Loosing the link to one’s own roots and one’s own real identity, where one belongs, does not seem an important issue these days. However, if some specific events in human history had not occurred, our present attitudes to life would be very different. Therefore it is beneficial to consider the impact of key historical events on ordinary people’s awareness of their current political responsibilities.

The first event which should be considered, in terms of importance, is the downfall of Constantinople (1453). It demonstrated the serious technological backwardness of the Christian troops compared to the Islamic military. Turkish engineers and generals introduced to the Christian world their advantage and superiority in the development of thought, creativity and military logistics. Greek scholars, afraid of regulations imposed by the Ottoman Empire, escaped in massive numbers to Western Europe. They brought with them ancient philosophical ideas never known before by western intellectuals or aristocrats. The collapse of Byzantium was the first step of the Roman Catholic Church’s progressive obscurity and loss of authority, a process which is still continuing today.

The second event is a direct consequence of the first one. Western writers of 16th and 17th centuries, shocked into consciousness by the forbidden free thought of ancient Greek thinkers, decided to turn away from the despotic and dogmatic Catholic Church and studied new books and ideas in secret. This led to a widespread intellectual revolt against the established feudal order and started the massive movement of the Enlightenment. Centuries of Catholic absolute power in the Middle Ages, overwhelming terror, political and personal control, created a drastic new opposite extremism, in which the cult of God was replaced by the cult of reason. Mysticism began to lose its appeal. The human faculty of reasoning became the new object of man’s veneration and was arrogantly considered to be superior to any other force in the universe. Secret societies rose enormously in numbers.

The consequences of the third event overwhelmed those of the first two events. In 1789 the French Revolution changed the western world instantly and irrevocably. The new world order of liberal democracy was introduced. The nations of Europe were awakened. After that no one could live as they had before. The new era of libertarian societies, a new modern culture without God and the associated concepts of right and wrong, has been continued until the present. This culture with no morality and no examination of conscience was established. Man as a God interfered in all the laws of nature. Common sense was turned upside down. Militant feminism arrived to stay. The arrogance of Positivism was inflated by the industrial age. Occultist secret societies worked hard to construct German Nazism and Russian Communism. New generations of advanced thinkers with their Humanism as a new dogmatic religion unwittingly and with good intentions caused the deaths of millions of innocent people around the world in two world wars. It seems that the third one is coming. In the 21st century the “cult of reason” is still continuing. It could be argued that “humanitarian idiots”, who are paid generously by supranational billionaires, are working hard on many eugenic projects, with good intentions, still interfering in fundamental laws of nature. They are trying to create a superman for a new superclass of billionaires and afterwards, upon destroying our Earth will go and colonise the rest of the Universe.

To sum up, “Historia magistra vitae est” (history is the teacher of life) as a wise Latin maxim says. If people could abandon their attachment to consumerism and redirect their lives, they would save themselves and the whole of humankind from an otherwise inevitable massive human tragedy. This would only be a matter of time if humans continue to disrespect the laws of nature. Nations which do not know their history lose their chance for a better future and risk falling into slavery.

Editing support: Marianne Wagner


Anonymous said...

"In 2002, it was reported that Prince Charles arranged for a then 17-year-old Harry to spend a day visiting a rehab clinic because Harry had admitted to smoking pot and drinking heavily.
Harry has been seen in public drinking since he was 12. He was caught peeing in a horse-trailer in 2006 and photographed in a wig and bra at a reported secret society initiation."


Maciej (Mac) Krzystek said...

Przynieś Biblię lub Koran, w zamian dostaniesz pismo porno
Rzeczpospolita | dodane 2010-06-07 (19:00)

W Finlandii fundacja Humaniści przeprowadziła nietypową akcję - za każdy przyniesiony egzemplarz Biblii albo Koranu wręczano pisemko pornograficzne - informuje dziennik "Rzeczpospolita".

Humaniści to fundacja działająca na całym świecie. Jej celem jest wyeliminowanie religii z życia społecznego. Ta akcja miała wywołać debatę o podejściu obu religii do kwestii seksualności.

Tommi Paalanen z helsińskiego stowarzyszenia wolnomyślicieli w rozmowie z "Rzeczpospolitą" powiedział, że chrześcijaństwo i islam są pod wieloma względami "niezwykle ograniczone" wobec otwartego wyrażania seksualności.
Zebrane Koran i Biblia mają trafić na makulaturę.

Kontrakcję chce zorganizować grupa parlamentarna chrześcijańskich demokratów. Planują za każdy egzemplarz pisemka pornograficznego wręczać Nowy Testament.

Maciej (Mac) Krzystek said...
